Chinese Calligraphy

Ideal For Age 5 & Up Although Chinese Painting and Chinese Calligraphy are very traditional forms of artistic expression, we will broaden their knowledge in handling the traditional medium and thereafter, we would like them to express their ideas and creativity through Chinese ink, Chinese brush and rice paper. The traditional teaching method will not be emphasized, instead, we would like to further stretch their imagination and creativity in Chinese painting based on their individual style. This programme comprises of Chinese painting, Chinese calligraphy and building up their knowledge of Chinese Art history. In addition, this would be a good programme to widen their knowledge on the Chinese culture and further stimulate their interest in Chinese. As this programme is being conducted in mandarin, therefore, it is a good way to encourage the verbal expression of Mandarin.
Class Details
PriceS$480.00 / 12 Lessons
Art SetS$0.00 For The Grandstand
S$40.00 For Online
The Grandstand 200 Turf Club Road #04-09
Singapore 287994
OnlineRequires additional S$40.00 for Art Set with delivery.
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